Hello Hello Mr Monkey / Arabesque Hello, hello Mr. Monkey you're still so fast and funky 안녕, 미스터 몽키 넌 여전히 날쌔고 멋있어 Hello, hello Mr. Monkey you should have been a clown 안녕, 미스터 몽키 넌 익살꾼이었을것 같애 Hello, hello Mr. Monkey you're still so fast and funky 안녕, 미스터 몽키 넌 여전히 날쌔고 멋있어 Hello, hello Mr. Monkey you should have been a clown 안녕, 미스터 몽키 넌 익살꾼이었을것 같애 Once he was so famous that little old clown 한때 저 자..