When You Told Me You Loved Me / Jessica Simpson Was doesn't mean anything to me 예전엔 내게 아무 의미도 아니었어요 Come, show me the meaning of complete 이리와요 내게 완전함의 의미를 보여줘요 Where did our love go wrong? 어디에서부터 우리사랑이 빗나갔는지 Once we were so strong 예전엔 우리정말 사랑했었는데 How can I go on? 난 어떡하면 좋죠? When you told me you loved me 그대가 날 사랑한다 했을때 Did you know it would take me the rest of my life 그 말이 내인생 모두를 가져간..